
2.2.4 Apples And Oranges Codehs

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    1. def countApplesAndOranges(s, t, a, b, apples, oranges):
    2. Write your code hither

    3. countA=0
    4. countO=0
    5. for i in range(len(apples)):
    6. sum=a+apples[i]
    7. if sum>=southward and sum<=t:
    8. countA+=1
    9. print(countA)
    10. for i in range(len(oranges)):
    11. sum=b+oranges[i]
    12. if sum>=south and sum<=t:
    13. countO+=1
    14. impress(countO)nd sum<=t: countO+=i print(countO)

    c++ :

                                                    void                        countApplesAndOranges                        (                        int                        due south                        ,                        int                        t                        ,                        int                        a                        ,                        int                        b                        ,                        vector                        <                        int                        >                        apples                        ,                        vector                        <                        int                        >                        oranges                        )                        {                        int                        apple                        =                        0                        ;                        int                        orangish                        =                        0                        ;                        for                        (                        int                        i                        =                        0                        ;                        i                        <                        apples                        .                        size                        ();                        i                        ++                        )                        {                        if                        (                        apples                        [                        i                        ]                        +                        a                        >=                        due south                        &&                        apples                        [                        i                        ]                        +                        a                        <=                        t                        )                        ++                        apple                        ;                        }                        for                        (                        int                        j                        =                        0                        ;                        j                        <                        oranges                        .                        size                        ();                        j                        ++                        )                        {                        if                        (                        oranges                        [                        j                        ]                        +                        b                        <=                        t                        &&                        oranges                        [                        j                        ]                        +                        b                        >=                        southward                        )                        ++                        orange                        ;                        }                        cout                        <<                        apple tree                        <<                        endl                        ;                        cout                        <<                        orange                        ;                        }                      

    C# int resultApple = 0; int resultOrange = 0;

                                                  for (int i = 0; i < apples.Count; i++)         {             if (a + apples[i] >= south && a + apples[i] <= t) resultApple++;         }         for (int i = 0; i < oranges.Count; i++)         {             if (b + oranges[i] <= t && b + oranges[i] >= due south) resultOrange++;         }          Console.WriteLine($"{resultApple} \n{resultOrange}");                                          

    > Simple Python Solution

                                                    def                        countApplesAndOranges                        (                        s                        ,                        t                        ,                        a                        ,                        b                        ,                        apples                        ,                        oranges                        )                        :                        # Write your lawmaking here                        count_apple                        =                        0                        count_orrange                        =                        0                        ans                        =                        []                        for                        i                        in                        apples                        :                        alphabetize                        =                        i                        +                        a                        if                        index                        >=                        s                        and                        index                        <=                        t                        :                        count_apple                        +=                        i                        ans                        .                        suspend                        (                        count_apple                        )                        for                        j                        in                        oranges                        :                        index1                        =                        j                        +                        b                        if                        index1                        >=                        s                        and                        index1                        <=                        t                        :                        count_orrange                        +=                        1                        ans                        .                        append                        (                        count_orrange                        )                        for                        i                        in                        ans                        :                        print                        (                        i                        )                      

    Mod C++

                                                    void                        countApplesAndOranges                        (                        int                        s                        ,                        int                        t                        ,                        int                        a                        ,                        int                        b                        ,                        vector                        <                        int                        >                        apples                        ,                        vector                        <                        int                        >                        oranges                        )                        {                        cout                        <<                        count_if                        (                        apples                        .                        begin                        (),                        apples                        .                        cease                        (),                        [                        a                        ,                        s                        ,                        t                        ](                        int                        dist                        )                        {                        return                        (                        dist                        +                        a                        >=                        s                        )                        &&                        (                        dist                        +                        a                        <=                        t                        );})                        <<                        endl                        <<                        count_if                        (                        oranges                        .                        begin                        (),                        oranges                        .                        end                        (),                        [                        b                        ,                        s                        ,                        t                        ](                        int                        dist                        )                        {                        return                        (                        dist                        +                        b                        >=                        southward                        )                        &&                        (                        dist                        +                        b                        <=                        t                        );});                        }                      

2.2.4 Apples And Oranges Codehs,


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