
What Happens If You Are Smoking Weed On Camera

How Pot Affects Your Heed and Body

Marijuana, weed, pot, dope, grass. They're different names for the aforementioned drug that comes from the cannabis institute. Yous can smoke it, vape it, drink information technology, or eat it. Most folks use marijuana for pleasure and recreation. But a growing number of doctors prescribe it for specific medical conditions and symptoms.

Marijuana has mind-altering compounds that touch on both your brain and body. Information technology can exist addictive, and it may be harmful to some people'southward health. Hither'south what can happen when y'all utilise marijuana:

You Can Go "Loftier"

It'southward why most people endeavour marijuana. The main psychoactive ingredient, THC, stimulates the office of your brain that responds to pleasure, like food and sex. That unleashes a chemic called dopamine, which gives you a euphoric, relaxed feeling.

If you vape or smoke weed, the THC could get into your bloodstream quickly enough for you to get your loftier in seconds or minutes. The THC level usually peaks in virtually 30 minutes, and its effects may article of clothing off in 1-3 hours. If you drink or eat pot, it may take many hours for y'all to fully sober up. You may non always know how stiff your recreational marijuana might be. That besides goes for most medical marijuana.

It May Affect Your Mental Health

Not everyone's experience with marijuana is pleasant. Information technology often tin leave you anxious, afraid, panicked, or paranoid. Using marijuana may enhance your chances for clinical depression or worsen the symptoms of any mental disorders yous already have. Scientists aren't yet sure exactly why. In high doses, it can make you paranoid or lose touch with reality so you hear or run across things that aren't there.

Your Thinking May Get Distorted

Marijuana can cloud your senses and judgment. The furnishings can differ depending on things like how potent your pot was, how y'all took it, and how much marijuana you've used in the past.It might:

  • Heighten your senses (colors might seem brighter and sounds might seem louder)
  • Distort your sense of time
  • Hurt your motor skills and make driving more than dangerous
  • Lower your inhibitions and so you may take risky sexual activity or have other chances

You May Get Hooked

About 1 in 10 people who use marijuana will go addicted. That means y'all tin can't cease using it even if information technology harms your relationships, job, health, or finances. The run a risk is greater the younger you start marijuana and the more than heavily yous use it. For instance, the odds of addiction are 1 in 6 if you use pot in your teens. It might be as high as one in ii amongst those who utilise information technology every twenty-four hours.

You could also abound physically dependent on marijuana. Your torso could go into withdrawal, leaving yous irritable, restless, unable to slumber, and uninterested in eating when you don't use it. Acquire more well-nigh how to spot the signs of marijuana habit.

It May Impair Your Brain

Marijuana tin can get in harder for yous to focus, learn, and recollect things. This seems to be a short-term effect that lasts for 24 hours or longer later you finish smoking.

Merely using pot heavily, especially in your teen years, may go out more permanent effects. Imaging tests with some -- simply not all -- adolescents found that marijuana may physically change their brains. Specifically, they had fewer connections in parts of the brain linked to alertness, learning, and memory, and tests show lower IQ scores in some people.

Your Lungs May Hurt

Marijuana smoke can inflame and irritate your lungs. If you use information technology regularly, you could have the same animate problems every bit someone who smokes cigarettes. That could mean ongoing coughing with colored mucus. Your lungs may more than easily choice up infections. That's partly because THC seems to weaken some users' immune systems.

It May Ease Your Pain and Other Symptoms

Medical marijuana is legal in some form in a majority of states. And more than than 10 states and Washington, DC, have legalized recreational pot. But the federal government's ban on marijuana has made information technology hard to study its effects on humans. Limited research shows that medicinal pot might help:

  • Ongoing pain (This is the well-nigh common employ and a possible benefit of medical marijuana.)
  • Stiff muscles or muscle spasms from multiple sclerosis.
  • Sleep problems for those with fibromyalgia, MS, and sleep apnea
  • Anxiety
  • Loss of ambition and weight loss in people with AIDS
  • Nausea or throwing up from chemotherapy
  • Seizures from epilepsy
  • Dravet syndrome or Lennox-Gastaut syndrome

You May Experience Hungrier

Many people who use marijuana regularly discover that it boosts their appetite. They call this "the munchies." Some research suggests that might aid people with AIDS, cancer, or other illnesses regain weight. Scientists are studying this and whether it's safe.

It May Impairment Your Centre

Marijuana makes your heart piece of work harder. Normally the heart beats about 50 to 70 times a minute. Merely that can jump to 70 to 120 beats or more per minute for 3 hours after the effects kick in. The added strain plus tar and other chemicals in pot may raise your risk of heart attack or stroke. The danger is even bigger if you're older or if you already have heart issues.

It Intensifies Alcohol's Dangers

More than 1 in 10 drinkers say they take used marijuana in the past year. Combining alcohol and marjuana at the aforementioned fourth dimension roughly doubled the odds of drunk driving or legal, professional, or personal problems compared to drinking solitary.

Your Newborn Might Be Underweight

Mothers who smoke pot while pregnant confront a college risk of giving birth to underweight or premature babies. Simply researchers don't know plenty to say if those infants are more than likely to abound up to struggle in school, use drugs, or have other problems in life.

Connectedness to Cancer Is Unclear

Researchers haven't found whatsoever links between smoking marijuana and cancers in the lung, head, or the neck. Express testify suggests that heavy marijuana use may lead to one blazon of testicular cancer. We don't have enough information whether cannabis may lead to other cancers, including:

  • Prostate
  • Cervical
  • Bladder
  • Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

What'due south CBD?

Information technology'due south curt for cannabidiol, a substance institute in both marijuana and hemp plants. It doesn't make y'all loftier. CBD can be made into CBD oil and sold as pills, gels, creams, and other formulas. Some people utilise CBD to care for pain, seizures, and other wellness problems. Only scientists aren't notwithstanding certain how well information technology works or if it's condom over the long term. Lack of regulation means y'all tin't ever know exactly what you're buying.

Means to Use Marijuana

Yous can use marijuana in a variety of ways. Smoking usually offers the quickest fashion to feel its effects:

  • Rolled cigarettes
  • Modest handheld pipes
  • Water pipes, called a bell
  • A cigar that has been hollowed out and refilled with marijuana, chosen a edgeless
  • Sticky resins drawn from the cannabis plant. Resins ofttimes are loaded with much higher amounts of THC than regular marijuana

You as well can mix it into brownies, cookies, candy, tea, and other foods. Eating and drinking the drug delay the high because it has to travel through your digestive system before the THC gets into your bloodstream. Then it may take thirty minutes to 2 hours earlier you lot feel anything. Just edibles give you a loftier that lasts much longer -- upward to eight hours -- than if you smoke or vape weed.


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