
Former Uber engineer Levandowski tests new coast-to-coast driving technology

Anthony Levandowski, a fired Uber engineer, has gone on a 3,000 mile (roughly 4800km) journey to test his latest driver assist organization that is geared towards the long-booty trucking industry.

According toThe Verge, Levandowski, who was the main engineer backside Uber's self-driving vehicle unit, designed a photographic camera-based advanced driver assist organisation (ADAS) that he's calling Co-Pilot.

Levandowski used the new system to drive from San Francisco to New York without any human being assistance.

The article noted that this test has been the "ultimate demonstration" of this blazon of engineering science and if he was successful and so it would be considered the longest recorded journey of a self-driving automobile without homo interference.

It is reported that he started his drive on a Toyota Prius (attached with seven cameras) on Oct 26th on the Golden Gate Span in San Francisco and finished almost four days later on on the George Washington Span in Manhattan.

Levandowski says he sat in the driver's seat the whole time and did not touch the driving bicycle or pedals, except for when he stopped for breaks and to refuel.

He said it took three times to successfully make the trip and has posted a brusk time-lapse video on Vimeo.

Levandowski is considered controversial in the tech community because of his legal disputes with Uber and self-driving company Waymo.

In February, Levandowski was accused of stealing 14,000 files from Waymo, which pertain to schematics of a excursion lath and information about radar and laser navigational tool Lidar.

On January 15th, 2016, Levandowski left Waymo to form Ottomotto, a cocky-driving vehicle startup, which was later acquired past Uber in August for $680 million USD. Waymo says this stolen technology was after used in Uber'south vehicles.

A guess ruled in favour of Waymo and said Uber was prohibited from using Lidar technology in its self-driving cars.

Paradigm: UC Berkeley Youtube (Screenshot)

Source: The Verge


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