
How To Share A Repository In Github

8 Answers 8

If you are the owner it is simple:

  • Go to your repo and click the Settings button.
  • In the left menu click Collaborators
  • Then Add their name.

Then collaborator should visit this example repo link

Source: Github Docs.


12.5k 7 gold badges 67 silver badges 66 bronze badges

answered Dec 3 '12 at 12:15


  • this did not work. it complains about a public key when they try and clone the repo.

    Jul 19 '13 at 6:06

  • I think, it's Settings button on the right side in your repo as I can't see Admin button for my case.

    Jul 24 '13 at 1:45

  • Since the interface overhaul mid 2013 it is called Settings.

    Aug 3 '13 at 0:25

  • This also gives them write access. If you want to give read-only access, you should use an organisation.

    Nov 16 '16 at 12:27

  • This did not work for me. I added a user for a private repo (as a collaborator) but they can't pull from it..

    Nov 30 '16 at 16:04

It is a simple 3 Step Process :
1) Go to your private repo and click on settings
2) To the left of the screen click on Manage access
3) Then Click on Invite Collaborator

answered Mar 1 '20 at 12:18


  • The year 2020 answer.

    Mar 24 '20 at 10:37

  • collaborator gets 404 because it's private currently.

    Apr 9 '20 at 5:52

  • For private repos, can we give admin access to someone instead of a collaborator role? I could see only the collaborator option only.

    Oct 6 at 15:44

Struggled to find this as well.

Heres a screenshot of how to do it:

enter image description here

answered Nov 4 '20 at 15:20

Two steps:
1. Login and click "Invite someone" in the right column under "People". Enter and select persons github id.
2. It will then give you the option to "Invite Username to some teams" at which point you simply check off which teams you want to add them to then click "Send Invitation"

1. Get the persons github id (not their email)
2. Navigate to the repository you would like to add the user to
3. Click "Settings" in the right column (not the gearbox settings along the top)
4. Click Collaborators long the left column
5. Select the repository name
6. Where it reads "Invite or add users to team" add the persons github id
7. An invitation will then be e-mailed.

Please let me know how this worked for you!

answered Aug 20 '14 at 20:33

It is a simple 3 Step Process :

  1. Go to your private repo and click on settings
  2. To the left of the screen click on Manage access
  3. Then Click on Invite Collaborator

This, but also - the invited user needs to be logged in to Github before clicking the invitation link in their email or they'll get a 404 error.


3,109 9 gold badges 32 silver badges 59 bronze badges

answered Sep 9 '20 at 6:42

answered Jun 4 '12 at 18:58

It's working in 2021,

Though the Repo has to be made private first then the click on
settings => Manage access => Invite Collaborator

The user who gets the repo access has to navigate to the repo and can make changes to the main branch.

answered Feb 12 at 4:01

Your team members must be accessing the repository using SSH & for that they have to have their ssh key mapped with github account. This will work if they map their ssh key with github account and also the repository has public rights, which they want to access.

answered Jul 8 '14 at 2:56


  • You shouldn't write this like its the only way to do this, Although this can be achieved its cumbersome at best at the alternatives are easier and fast, offer both if you want to provide a thorough solution

    Jan 10 '18 at 1:30

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How To Share A Repository In Github


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